A sinful lie!

As the world goes about thinking what to do next in life, I wonder whether we as mature people can decide on their own about our life's journey? And whether what we think of ourselves will really come true.

Cause this world is full of lies and truths, of riches and beggars. We always see ourselves as the kings, contemplating ourselves in the riches, preparing ourselves for the echelons of the society, but i wonder whether we even prepare for the rags we might face, the downfalls we might realize, the pits we might fall into!

I once met a guy whose name i won't mention here. Let’s call him Mohan. Now Mohan told me a rags-to-riches story, which by the way we all love listening to. Then afterwards, I started believing in all that fables, as I realized the entire world also believes into it.What a pity!

I started considering myself belonging to the upper strata. But now as I look at what my seniors have actually achieved, what our teachers have realized, what my relatives who had studied and then went on to do some-sort-of-wherever-the-hack-company-posts-us job achieved, I realize that the dreams which we see, the cakes we want to have, the hot-air-imaginary-balloon which will take us to heights, might actually prove to be a 'sinful lie' for most of us.

Or maybe not!


wats that...rags-to-riches story?
by the way..its all TRUE.... ;)

March 17, 2010 at 2:23 PM  

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